About the RUFC Player Development
The purpose of the RUFC Player Development Tool is to help us track all athletic development and of course, build strategies to maximize each player’s strengths and natural talents.
The benchmark is based on extensive research, studies, and experience, as well as internal and external discussions.
We will use this tool to calibrate the players’ development, families’ commitment, and also coaches’ accountability.
A big part of the players’ development is their attendance at practices and scrimmages. In the beginning of 2024, we began to collect a record of who is present, to analyze each player’s commitment to their attendance record.
Our goal is to connect with the parents at least once a quarter to demonstrate the players’ development, data/info, and future expectations of them moving through quarters, age brackets, and development stages.
Curious about how this new tool will work and guide athletic development? Feel free to connect with our Director of Coaching for more info at doc@rogueunitedfc.com.

The benchmark is based on extensive research, studies, and experience, as well as internal and external discussions. We will use this tool to calibrate the players’ development, families’ commitment, and also coaches’ accountability.

The RUFC Way!