Dear Sponsor, 


Allow us to take this opportunity to introduce you the Rogue United FC. We are offering an opportunity to local businesses like yours to become Team and Club Sponsors. Your contributions will be targeted exclusively to lower the growing costs of the Club’s players and their families, enabling them to fully participate at a reasonable cost or even free club training programs. Our club is guided by a volunteers, coaches, and partners. Our primary source of revenue is donations from our local partners/business. Since these funds do not fully cover the Club’s operating expenses, the club must often raise their own funds to pay for training facility, uniforms, equipment, league registration, referee fees, insurance, travel expenses and tournament entry fees. The average cost per player, per year to participate is on average $300 per month wish particularly difficult for the program as it currently charges a small fee from the players or families. In order to continue making this rewarding experience a reality for our youth, we are reaching out directly to area businesses, family and friends, and offering the opportunity to help by becoming a club sponsor! While any level you select will be greatly appreciated. Please take a moment to review and select the sponsorship package that best fits your business and budget.  

Respectfully yours,

Rogue United FC